Inspirational Quote

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." - John Bingham

Monday, November 22, 2010

After Season Care

 Headed to Podiatry today, (if the weather doesn't keep me away). Time to take care of post race season ailments. I've been suffering with Plantar Fasciitis or intense heel pain. Usually, it hurts for the first few miles, fades and then returns after a good hour into a workout or race. I've used anti-inflammatory drugs to treat the problem. It's eased the pain but I'm aware there is an underlying problem. Probably time for some custom orthotics. I generally run easy into late winter before picking up spring training. I'm going to take some simple steps now to prevent more pain. If you are a runner remember, buy new shoes about 500 miles of use!

My pod: Journey - Be Good To Yourself