Inspirational Quote

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." - John Bingham

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winter Adaptations

 If you run in the north where it snows, you can either choose to run inside on the treadmill or adapt to winter running. I LOVE to run outdoors!
 One adaption you need to make is to learn to run in snow and on ice. Last winter I experimented with Screw Shoes. All you need is a pair of old running shoes (not too old) and a few sheet metal screws. Simply start to screw the sheet metal screws into the soles and put them where you see the most wear on your shoes. They work pretty well on ice and hard-packed snow, but only moderately helpful in deep, slushy snow.
 Snow and cold makes everything just a little harder, the body works harder to keep warm and the snow and ice make you push harder due to lost traction. Modify your running schedule and speed expectations accordingly. The body generates waste during heavy exertion, so running in the winter cold is actually less difficult or dangerous than running in hot weather. With proper clothing and a few cheap winter adaptations it is possible to continue running through the worst winter weather.
 More snow fall predicted through the holiday, I'm on my way to the local hardware store to purchase about a 4 month supply of screws. I'll save the treadmill for my speed workouts!

"If you have lived, take thankfully the past." - John Dryden
Happy Thanksgiving!