Inspirational Quote

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." - John Bingham

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just Push Play

One of my favorite motivators for running, MUSIC! Sometimes, I just need a little boost of energy to get me through those miles. ...*play*
 .. She stepped off the bus out into the city streets, just a small town girl with her whole life packed in a suitcase by her feet ... *pause*
 "Please come pick me up in one hour, I'm going to run east on Co Hwy 11!", I yelled into the house. I don't know why I'm yelling, possibly due to the neurochemical reaction about to rush through my body. I slammed the porch door behind me and headed for the street, pausing temporarily on the sidewalk while my Garmin searches for satellite ...*play*
 ..well she wants to be the queen, then she thinks about her scene, pulls her hair back as she screams, "I don't really want to be the queen!" ...*pause*
 I do a quick warm up in town jogging a few blocks before setting out on my designated course. I spot a lawn ornament, aka/chocolate lab, finishing his business on a shrub a short sprint ahead. My heart does a little flutter, my stomach gets queezy and I think I'm perspiring on my nose (even though the temp is only 17 degrees). I hope he doesn't spot me, I'm sure my calf would make a great collectible for his dish! Little bowwow sprints over and suddenly I've hit a blockade. Luckily, he just wants to sniff around a little. I'm back pounding the pavement ...*play*
 ..burning up -don't know just how far that I can go. Soon be home - only just a few miles down the road ..and I can make it, I know I can ... *pause*
 I remove my gloves and toss them to the ditch, I'm almost to the bridge. Typically I stop here, slosh some water around in my mouth, read some graffiti and fling a leg on the rail to stretch out a hamstring. I didn't bring any aqua with today but I did notice a cherry tootsie roll in a small pocket on my sleeve, after tightening a shoe string I think I'll dine on that ... *play*
 ..Please come love I think I'm falling holding on to all I think is safe, it seems I've found the road to no where and I'm trying to escape. I yelled back when I heard thunder but I'm down to one last breathe and with it let me say, let me say ... *pause*
 From here it's a straight route to the finish 4 miles away. With no clouds in the sky the direct glow from the sun will cause my buns to roast if I don't drop some of this costume. I quickly shed a layer and pitch it to the side of the road. If I actually reclaimed all the articles of clothing I've chucked I might not need a short term loan to cover the cost of my running apparel ...*play* talk, talk, talk to me, your eyes touch me physically, stay with me we'll take the night, as passion takes another bite, oh who's the hunter, who's the game, I feel the beat call your name, I hold you close in victory, I don't wanna tame your animal style you won't be caged in the call of the wild ... *pause*
 I turn around and run backwards so I have a view of the traffic, my ride is visible on the horizon. After a 45 second sprint to a snow covered mailbox I climb in the car and wipe the sweat from my eyes. I need to pull my ipod from a pocket to push power but I continue to belt the sweet lyrics of Def Leppard's, Photograph ...*play*
.. I'd be your lover if you were there, put your hurt on me, if you dare, such a woman, you got style, you make every man feel like a child ...