Inspirational Quote

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." - John Bingham

Monday, January 31, 2011

Shoes and Little Feet

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, impossibles and won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me ...Anything can happen, child. Anything can be." - Shel Silverstein

 Hobbling to the garage to find some solitude, I mutter a few sweary words under my breath before colliding with the steps. After I remove my shoe and sock I begin inspecting my foot for tread marks. My entire running career flashes before my eyes and all futuristic goals, too. One of the neighborhood kids had just driven a motorized vehicle over my foot (not intentionally). With many weeks of training under my belt and a 17 mile run scheduled for the following day, I immediately start hyperventilating and feel a sickness in my stomach that's making its way up to my throat.
 Most days I consider myself a calm composed adult, but if we are talking about a possible foot injury, here comes the whining, crying, screaming, kicking, punching, and breath holding that an advanced individual may classify as a temper tantrum. My feet have been driven over by bicycles, slammed in car doors, jumped and stomped on by boots and cleats, and sun burnt. Thankfully, no breaks! Most of these injuries are accidental and non avoidable (I have little monkeys roaming my yard). However, most long distance runners can improve performance by keeping their feet in top condition.
 How? ... It's important to wear the right footwear. I recently purchased a pair of running shoes solely for training purposes that will last no greater than 3 months. There is no such thing as "best brand". During a shoe selection I keep 3 things in mind, 1.) I have high arches (foot type), 2.) I have the strongest wear in the heel (foot strike) and 3.) I am a supinator (stride pattern). During the selection, I'm also going to try and avoid a shoe designed for motion control, I've recently purchased orthodics which will help resolve this foot problem. It's usually best to locate a speciality running store, staff are often knowledgeable about different brands and styles of shoes and foot problems. Most staff can also offer personal testimony.
 So, after my darling daughter attempted climbing the shoe display wall, reorganized the color coded athletic tape, licked several mirrors, removed her own shoes and socks to pick lint from her toes, dumped her fish crackers onto the carpet and marched on top of them, I had made my selection! I just know my little Ava is going to be a runner, she bolted (much like a sprinter from the starting blocks) to the clothing racks when I told her it was time to go. I snatched up my child, tickled her tiny tummy, and paid for my shoes. I'm pretty sure they locked the door behind me. I love running after my children, I run to keep up with them.